Friday, July 13, 2012

Balloon Twisting NOT ON GOOGLE

I’m a balloon artist.  I didn’t know I was a balloon artist.  I thought I was an academic.  Then I retired and a very dear friend convinced me to try twisting a balloon.  Hesitantly and somewhat terrified of the big pop I was sure would ensue, I made my first bumble bee.  It was the beginning of a love affair.

Let me explain.  I was a special education teacher and then a college instructor.  I spent my life working to improve the lives of children.  I have a connection with children.  Put me in a room full of youngsters and I begin to look a little like the Pied Piper.

I also have an artistic bent and as a young adult pursued fine arts studies.  Then the past met the future!!!  I discovered I have a knack for creating excellent balloon sculptures and found it a fabulous way to bring smiles and joy to the children whom I have always loved.

When my balloon twisting surprises a child with a sculpture that exceeds his or her expectations, the look of joy on that child’s face energizes and delights me.  While I use a “no line ups” method at parties, many children choose to stay close, watching me twist the balloons, talking and playing with me.  They ooohh and aahhhh as sculptures emerge, changing their minds over and over again about the sculptor they will choose to twisted as their own.  If I used to look like the Pied Piper, I now put the Pied Piper to shame!!  And I have so much fun doing it.

I am blessed to be able to work with an exceptional party entertainment business.  Vancouver Party Savers is a low cost, ethical, honest company committed to building joyful memories for children, their families and their friends.  It is a privilege to work with a company that chooses to keep its prices low in order to help so many families have truly memorable celebrations. 

Every Vancouver Party Savers entertainer with whom I’ve worked has been fabulous.  The face painters are exceptionally good artists.  The balloon artists are excellent twisters.  The family magic shows are the best I’ve ever seen.

I’ve watched play facilitators activity engage children for two hours at a time with giant pianos, parachutes, bazooka balloons and voice activated robots.  Talented entertainers with backgrounds in Early Childhood Education lead circle times filled with songs and stories delighting preschoolers. 

I love it all.  But my passion is balloon twisting.  Who would have guessed that seven years in post-secondary education would have resulted in balloon twisting? 

My balloon twisting repertoire keeps growing.  Some of my current most popular sculptures include aliens, Spiderman, Arielle, penguins, dinosaurs, hats, monkeys climbing banana trees, aliens in space, cars, lions, prince and princess crowns.  These are but a small sample.
And lastly, on top of having so much fun, balloon twisting has a medical benefit.  The more balloons I twist, the less my arthritic fingers stiffen.  Balloon twisting keeps me young in more ways that you can imagine.

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